Information for Authors
Ife Journal of Early Childhood Education Research (IJECER) prioritizes scholarly and educationally oriented articles which provoke and promote a cross fertilization of scholarly research and academic discourse among early childhood experts and practitioners. The Journal also welcomes those in the government sectors, parastatal. The Journal is also intersectoral in its approach. All agencies whose intent is to promote early childhood education, care and development are also the targets of the Journal. About 7,000 words are expected as the maximum length for articles that are well researched and scholarly while the abstract should not be more than 250 words. Extra charge will be placed on any outrageous article that flagrantly has more than the stipulated number of words. Other works like reviews and conference reports should not exceed 3,000 words.

Reference format should conform with the Sixth Edition of American Psychological Association. Bibliography is not accepted

Articles that are qualitative and/or quantitative in nature and as well as making use of analytical methods thus contributing immensely to the academic pursuits are majorly appreciated and accepted. On some occasions, a call could be made for special editions that are essentially devoted to specially chosen theme. In such a circumstance, an external assessor would be tasked with the assignment of coordinating the call for papers, assessment, selection and final editing of the submitted articles.

It should be put on note that other appropriate works on film, conference reports as well as book reviews are included in the academic works of Ife Journal of Early

Childhood Education
Research. In the same vein, the Institute of education, the editors and the assessors will not be held responsible for any errors or consequences’ arising from the use of information contained in the journal.

Except for protocols, we do not have strict formatting requirements, but all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey the content in clearly defined sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and/or Conclusions, Figures and Tables with captions, and any Supplementary materials required.

Submission Template
About 7,000 words are expected as the maximum length for articles that are well researched and scholarly while the abstract should not be more than 250 words. Extra charge will be placed on any outrageous article that flagrantly has more than the stipulated number of words. Other works like reviews and conference reports should not exceed 3,000 words.

Reference format should conform with the Sixth Edition of American Psychological Association. Bibliography is not accepted.

Vetting fee of #5,000.00 and publication fee of #30,000.00 should be paid into the account Institute Research and Outreach, United Bank for Africa, 1020689118

Articles should be sent as MS-Word to the Editor-in-Chief at